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Do Good with yoga
For yourself and your Surroundings

Exploring other cultures and being close to the ocean fill me with joy and happiness. Travelling makes me feel complete and, once out of my comfort zone, alive.


But visiting different countries means also often confrontation with poverty, an outcome of corruption and huge gaps between the rich and the poor. Conditions, that always shock me to the new.


So I decided to support selected projects with Maskra-Flow:

Stassenhund Babies in Marokko

Dec 2024 - 800 CHF donation for Support-Flow Morocco

Because I love the waves, people, food & animals in Morocco we donate this year to a friend's foundation, which supports local people and animals in need with food, material and medical aid.

Dez 2023 - 500 CHF donation for Smallthings foundation

This NPO supports the Local Surf Lounge Academy in South Africa, who provides a perspective to streetkids by offering them surf lessons, equimpent and meals for free.​​

Welle wird gesurft

Dec 2022 - 828 CHF donation for sea shepherd

Addicted to salty kisses, by my online classes we supported the ones who defend, conserve and protect our marine ecosystems. ​

dec 2021 - 750 CHF donation for women empowerment, helvetas

With online yoga, we have collected for worldwide equality and support a Helvetas project for the advancement of women.​​

Tropischer Sturm

dec 2020 - 900 CHF donation for nicaragua, swissaid

With online yoga we raised funds for emergency relief in Nicaragua after two hurricanes devastated the country and thousands of people lost their homes.​

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